Agrotis vetusta

OWLET MOTHS (Noctuidae)


The Old Man Dart moth has a wingspan of approximately 1.5 inches (35-42 mm).  The forewing is light powder gray with a dark reniform spot.  The postmedial lines and  terminal lines are a series of black dots.  The hindwing and the abdomen are white.  The larva is gray with dark longitudinal subdorsal lines.  The head is pale orange with dark dorsal spots.


The frequency of occurrence at Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods is not known.  It is considered common and widespread in North America.  It has been photographed at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center in late September 2015.  Adults fly from late July to mid-October. 


The larvae feed on broadleaf herbaceous plants in at least 13 families including bean, corn, lettuce, tobacco and tomato.

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Old Man Dart

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